
Los Angeles Social Media Contests: A Complete Guide

If you are living in the city of Los Angeles and you want to grow your online presence or boost the reputation you have with your business online, there are plenty of ways to go about doing so with the implementation of social media. Putting social media to use is possible by hosting contests to attract new customers while keeping your current loyal followers coming back for more. Understanding the benefits of social media contests and how to get started will help you to ensure you experience success with any campaign you are launching for your brand or entire business. Working with Los Angeles digital marketing professionals is highly recommended when you are getting involved with Los Angeles social media contests for yourself.

What is a Social Media Contest?

A social media contest uses communities such as Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, Vine and even LinkedIn to promote brands and individuals professionally to engage audiences, make sales and gain loyal followers over time. Using social media in Los Angeles to host a contest is ideal if you are promoting a new brand that you are building from the ground up or if you are trying to bring awareness to a brand and business that is already established and successful.

Creating Your  Own Social Media Contest

Once you are familiar with what a social media contest is and you want to get started, it is important to determine the audience and demographic you want to appeal to as well as the budget you have for the contest prizes you plan to give away.

You must then determine how you want to reach your audience and the message you want to convey. Creating visually-appealing graphics and materials is also highly recommended to get even more exposure when you begin to launch a social media contest campaign. Updating frequently and communicating openly with your online followers as much as possible with attract more individuals to become interested in your brand.

You can also work together with a Los Angeles digital marketing company that can provide professional services and teach you how to implement social media as effectively as possible, regardless of the type of audience you want to reach.

How to Seek Professional Assistance

You can find all of the professional help you need with social media in Los Angeles with Bright Age Digital Marketing Agency, a company that provides professionals who can help you gain insight into your company while promoting it properly through the use of social media itself. Working together with the Bright Age Digital Marketing Agency is a way to host Los Angeles social media contests without learning all about your demographic and the frequency you should update your followers on your own.

Knowing how to properly implement social media contests is an effective way to market and advertise anything from products and services to content you share on a blog. The more you get involved with social media contests you hold the easier it is to build an audience of individuals who are genuinely interested in your brand.

Discover The New Pinterest Analytics Platform

Pinterest has recently rolled out a brand new analytics platform – and it’s about time! Obviously, Pinterest was the social media darling in 2012, and while some of its valuations may have been a little bit overhyped at the time, it’s clearly a force to be reckoned with for individuals, bloggers, brands, and businesses looking to get into the creative and visual spaces and make an impact with their products.

The analytics platform, like all other analytics platforms, tracks sales and conversions in the sense that you can begin to understand what resonates, and which content drives traffic. But what do you need to know about the platform itself? And how can you use it to your advantage to drive more content, traffic, and discussion over your pin boards and your business in general?

Pinterest is an incredibly important part of strategies surrounding digital marketing in Los Angeles and elsewhere, and when it comes to social media marketing in general, there are a few things to be made aware of regarding this platform’s analytics space:

Accessing your Analytics

First and foremost, you must have a business account to get the analytics platform – which can be done by signing up for a business account in the first place, or converting a personal account into one on the site. From there, you can catch your unique data in their “Analytics” menu.

Analytics on Pinterest

The data itself is a literal gold mine, allowing you to track all sorts of numbers, including: what pieces of content are being pinned from your website, unique visitors coming to your site from content, which pins of you are being repinned, unique visitors who are repinning your pins, unique visitors you received to pins on a certain date, how many visitors have ever visited your website directly from Pinterest, how many times a visitor clicks on your website, and a longitudinal analysis of whether or not your statistics are increasing or decreasing over time.

Bright Age Pinterest Analytics

Fine tuning Pinterest information

The great thing about Pinterest’s analytics platform is that you can not only fine tune your data in terms of time period and other important information, but you can also export data into a CSV file to keep and use for your company needs as you please. It’s similar to Google Analytics in a way, in that you can find out exactly what sort of content is resonating and what is truly working on your platform, and with your customers, in order to truly get the most out of your Pinterest time and investment and ensure that you customers enjoy what they see, keep coming back for more, and keep growing your business socially.

Pinterest and Your Brand

When it comes to social media marketing, it’s more important now than ever before to not only be involved in the space, but be smart about why and how you are going to achieve results. For digital marketing in Los Angeles and other areas, there are few sources to turn to in order to help with this process – but Los Angeles social media experts do exist to get you the most out of a Pinterest account and ensure you receive top dollar analysis for your investment.